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Extra Form

#                                                                    Net::Mysql
#       29-05-2010                             www.rpgmakervx-fr.com                                    Rgss1&2  v.1
#                                                                     par berka                  
# This script is free to use. Do not post anywhere without my permission. Credits needed.
# Warning: if your game is cracked and decrypted, your mysql login will be available !
# Do not use with a database containing personal information.
# Your mysql host should accept external connections.
# Check with it for remote SSH access to your database.
# This script allows interractions with a mysql database directly in the game
# It requires a file "libmysql.dll" in the game folder
# Attention: en cas de d?cryptage de votre jeu, vos identifiants mysql seront accessibles !
#  Ne pas utiliser de base de donn?e contenant des informations personnelles.
#  Votre h?bergeur Mysql doit accepter les connexions mysql externes.
#  V?rifiez aupr?s de lui que vous avec un acc?s distant SSH ? votre base de donn?es.
# Ce script permet d'interragir avec une base de donn?es mysql directement via le jeu.
# Il n?cessite un fichier "libmysql.dll" ? placer dans le dossier du jeu.
# ??? md5() support
# ??? Mysql functions:
#   - Net::Mysql.new([host,user,pass,base,port]) : return : mysql connection handle
#   - @mysql.close : return : bool
#   - @mysql.list_tables([filter]) : return : ["table1", "table2"]
#   - @mysql.select_db(base_name) : return : true if the db exists or false
#   - @mysql.query("query",ret=false) : return : if ret = true : rows else result handle
#   - @mysql.get_fields([handle result]) : return : ["field1", "field2"]
#   - @mysql.get_rows([handle result]) : return : [["l1 row1", "l1 row2"], ["l2 row1", "l2 row2"]]
#   - @mysql.fetch_assoc : return : {"field" => ["row1", "row2"] }
#   - @mysql.num_rows([handle result]) : return : integer
# ??? Html functions:
#   - "string".to_ruby : return : true, false, nil, Integer, Float, self, etc.
#   - "<berka>".htmlspecialchars : return : "&lr;berka&gt;"
#   - "<berka>".urlencode : return : "%3Cberka%3E"
#   - "%3Cberka%3E".urldecode : return : "<berka>"
# SQL queries samples
# ???  "SELECT * FROM table"
# ???  "INSERT INTO table (fields) VALUES (values)"
# ???  "INSERT INTO table SET field = value WHERE field = value"
# ???  "UPDATE table SET field = value WHERE field = value"
# Sample :
# @mysql = Net::Mysql.new
# @mysql.query("SELECT * FROM `members`)
# res = @mysql.fetch_assoc
# => {:id=>["1","2"], :nom=>["berka","rgss"], :age=>["19",""]}

module Berka
  module Mysql
    Host   = ""                          # mysql server(local :
    User   = ""                                           # mysql user
    Pass  = ""                                           # mysql password
    Base  = "rgss"                                   # base name
    Port    = 3306                                     # server port (default: 3306)
    Err_Con = "Mysql:\nUnable to connect to the database"
    Err_Req = "Mysql:\nUnable to send the query"
  module Html
    Spec_Char=["$","&","+",",","/",";",":","=","@","?"," ","<",">","#","%","{","}","|","\\","^","~","[","]","`"]

class Numeric
  def copymem(len)
    # move memory to convert c structs to ruby objects
    Win32API.new("kernel32", "RtlMoveMemory", "ppl", "").call(buf="\0"*len,self,len);buf

class String
  def to_ruby
    # detect if the string is a md5 hash
    return self if self=~/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/
    # converts syntax of a string to ruby controls
    eval(self)rescue self
  def htmlspecialchars
    # converts special chars to html compatibles chars (ASCII)
  def urlencode
    # converts special char of url
    o="";self.scan(/./).each{|c|c="%"+c.unpack('H*')[0]if Berka::Html::Spec_Char.include?(c);o<<c};o
  def urldecode
    # converts encoded special char of url to normal chars
module Net
  class Mysql
    attr_reader :handle
    def initialize(h=Berka::Mysql::Host,u=Berka::Mysql::User,p=Berka::Mysql::Pass,b=Berka::Mysql::Base,po=Berka::Mysql::Port)
      # @handle : handle of mysql initialization
      # establishes the mysql connection
      (print(Berka::Mysql::Err_Con))if MRC.call(@handle,h,u,p,b,po,nil,0)==0
      # returns: handle
    def close
      # closes the current connection
    def select_db(base)
      # selects a current database
    def list_tables(m="")
      # lists tables request -> fetch the result -> to ruby string
      # splits the string to array -> list of tables
    def query(req,ret=false)
      # sends the query (msg error)
      (return print(Berka::Mysql::Err_Req+req))if !MQ.call(@handle,req)
      # previous results are released
      MFRE.call(@result)if @result
      # gets the results from the query -> c struct handle
      ret ? get_rows(@result) : @result
    # Proc: gets the name of the field (cstruct) -> to ruby string of handles -> to ruby string
    # returns the fieldname or nil if the field is not found.
    def get_fields(res=nil)
      # if a result handle is provided
      r=res.nil? ? @result : res
      # gets the number of fields, offset: 8bytes-2 (cf. loop)
      # each field: if the fieldname is not found: increase the offset of bytes.
      nf.times{|i|a=ReadField.call(r,i,of+=2)until a
        # add to the fields array
        # reinitialize the offset for the next iteration
      # returns an array of fields
    def get_rows(res=nil)
      # if a result handle is provided
      r=res.nil? ? @result : res
      # nr: number of rows, nf: number of fields
      # each row:
       # gets each row: c struct -> to ruby string -> to array (handles)
       # gets each field length: c struct -> to ruby string -> to array (handles)
       # size of field: offset of each field
       # handle of row -> to string (offset) -> to array
       # returns each row as an array
    def num_rows(res=nil)
      # if a result handle is provided
      r=res.nil? ? @result : res
      # returns: number of rows
    def fetch_assoc(to_ruby=false)
      # gets rows and fields
      # each field: read the rows and store them to an hash : h[:field]=[rows]
      # rows are converted to ruby objects if to_ruby == true
      f.each_with_index{|fi,i|t=[];r.each{|l|t<<l[i]};h[fi.to_sym]=(to_ruby ? t.map!{|o|o.to_ruby if o} : t)}


압축을 풀어서 나오는 libmysql.dll을 제작하고 있는 게임의 폴더 상위에다 넣으시기 바랍니다.


출처 : http://www.rpgrevolution.com

  • profile
    니오티 2010.07.25 14:52

    보안에는 엄청 취약하군요..;;

  • profile
    니오티 2010.07.26 03:41

    혹시 첨부파일은 없었나요?


    libmysql.dll 이파일도 있을것 같은데..

  • ?
    독도2005 2010.07.26 08:08

    제가 글을 퍼올 때 첨부파일이 있는지 제대로 못봤군요..


  1. 일본어 스크립트를 번역하기 좋은 번역사이트 두곳입니다

  2. 스크립트 게시판 관리자' ruby ' 입니다

  3. 일본 스크립트/소스 공유 포럼

  4. 자동저장 스크립트



  7. RPG XP Web Kit

  8. ruby-1.9.1-p429 Standard Pack

  9. 루비 html 라이브러리

  10. T?tulo Final Fantasy

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  13. Cacao 엔진 출처사이트의 스크립트 모움

  14. XP 형식 메뉴

  15. 온라인

  16. MYSQL 사용할 수 있게 하는 스크립트

  17. 얼굴 띄워주는 기능&대화창 명령어

  18. 한 글자씩 대화창에 띄웁니다.

  19. 메뉴에 얼굴 그래픽을 표현

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  21. 메뉴를 바꿉니다.


  23. HG_Variables : 변수 확장 시스템

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