
파괴효과 추천스크립트

by 아하하 posted Dec 06, 2007


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Extra Form

# ??Destruction Engine
# ??By: Rataime
#   Date: 12/06/2005
#   The Destruction Engine is a powerfull way to cut, slice, chop, destroy...
#   events. It can be customized to fit your ideas
#   To use it, you must use the following commands :
#   - $DE.init
#   - A target command ($DE.target_event(id) or $DE.target_is_in_front_of_me)
#   - A set of commands
#   - $DE.clear  
#   Call'n watch action commands (see the next ??for descriptions and options) :
#   - $DE.decapitate
#   - $DE.samurai_slash
#   - $DE.axe_attack
#   - $DE.double_samurai_slash
#   - $DE.glass_breaking
#   The main command :
#   $DE.add_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed)
#   with coordinates corresponding to those on the charset,
#   mainly 0<x<32 and 0<y<48
#   and speed the drawing speed (1<=speed<=10).
#   Speed is optionnal, the default speed will be used if only 4 parameters are given
#   $DE.add_line draws a line, and define where the event will be cut.
#   Eg : 2 crossing lines defined with $DE.add_line => 4 pieces.
#   Line commands :
#   $DE.hide_lines :
#   Will hide future lines
#   $DE.show_lines :
#   Won't hide future lines anymore
#   $DE.erase_lines :
#   Erases all lines
#   The pieces will still be there, only line sprites will removed
#   $DE.draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed)
#   Same as $DE.add_line, but won't actually "cut" the event
#   $DE.change_line_color(red,green,blue)
#   Change future lines color
#   The component values are >=0 and <=255
#   $DE.change_line_speed(speed)
#   Change the default line drawing speed
#   Speed is >=1 and <=10
#   $DE.change_line_width(pixels)
#   Change future lines width,in pixels
#   Piece commands, usually used after having cut the event
#   $DE.collapse
#   Will collapse every piece the FF way (ie red&transparent)
#   $DE.fadeout
#   Will fadeout every piece
#   $DE.explose
#   Will make the target explose. Not perfect yet
#   $DE.refresh_centre
#   Will readjust pieces centers. Useful before rotating those...
#   $DE.glass_falling(speed)
#   Will let the glass pieces fall until they reach the ground
#   DE_Slide.new(line,number)
#   Create a slide movement, using a line and a max number of pieces to slide
#   Pieces are selected from the top to the bottom
#   Check the call'n watch function samurai_slash for a basic example
#   $DE.map.pieces[i] :
#   Refers to the pieces.
#   pieces[0] is the top one, pieces[$DE.map.pieces.size-1] the bottom one
#   You can use standard sprite functions, eg :
#   @map.pieces[0].angle=90
#   @map.pieces[0].x+=1
#   $DE.target.reappear :
#   Will reset target's transparency and passability
#   Notes :
#   - The DE is far from perfect : if you experiment a problem, try changing
#     the order of the add_lines functions
#   - When changing scenes (eg : opening the menu), the DE will be reset.
#     Think to disable the menu if you don't want it to happen
#   - The target event will be invisible & passable, but still fonctionnal :
#     It's up to you to use a switch or anything to prevent its re-use
#   - If you see a colored triangle, it is because the script thinks that the
#     first pixel is transparent. Move the character on the charset, or resize
#     the charset...
#   - Bonus for those who read that far :
#     If you are lazy, use $DE.tiifom instead of $DE.target_is_in_front_of_me...
# ??Here are the call'n watch functions (aka the "no-brainer functions")
#    You have to call $DE.init, then the appropriate target function
#    (eg : $DE.target_is_in_front_of_me) and one of those functions
#    (eg : $DE.decapitate).
#    You still can change the lines visibility, color...
#    Some have facultative options. Eg : To have the head roll on the left, use $DE.decapitate(true)
#    When you have finished (and removed the head from the floor),
#    call $DE.clear
#    Don't hesitate to make your own functions, you can even send them to me and
#    I'll add them in the next release if they are worthful
class Destruction_Engine
  # ??decapitate(roll_on_the_left,hide_the_second_line) by Rataime
  #    Set roll_on_the_left to true to have an inversed animation
  #    Set hide_the_second_line to true to only show the first line

  def decapitate(roll_on_the_left=false , hide_the_second_line=false)
    hide_the_second_line=false if @hide_line
    if hide_the_second_line
    refresh_centre # Adjust ox and oy to their correct place. Needed to rotate smoother...
    delta=-1 if roll_on_the_left
    for i in 1..30
      @map.pieces[0].y+=1 if i%2==0 # every 2 i
      @map.pieces[0].x+=1*delta if i%2==0
  # ??axe_attack(x) by Rataime
  #    Set time_interval in ms to have a pause between movements

  def axe_attack(time_interval=0,collapsing=false)
    refresh_centre # Adjust ox and oy to their correct place. Needed to rotate smoother...
    for i in 1..30*(time_interval+1)
      @map.pieces[0].angle+=3 if i%(time_interval+1)==0
      @map.pieces[1].angle-=3 if i%(time_interval+1)==0
      Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/103-Attack15",80) if i==27*(time_interval+1) or i==28*(time_interval+1)
    collapse if collapsing
  # ??samurai_slash(time_interval,collapsing) by Rataime
  #    Set time_interval in ms to have a pause between sliding movements
  #    Set collapsing to true to have it collapse in the end
  def samurai_slash(time_interval=0,collapsing=true)
    line1 = add_line(0,0.3*@bmph,@bmpw,0.67*@bmph,@default_speed)
    for i in 1..15*(time_interval+1)
      slide1.update if i%(time_interval+1)==0
    collapse if collapsing
  # ??double_samurai_slash(time_interval) by Rataime
  #    Set time_interval in ms to have a pause between sliding movements
  #    Set collapsing to true to have it collapse in the end
  def double_samurai_slash(time_interval=0,collapsing=true)
    line1 = add_line(0,0.5*@bmph,@bmpw,@bmph-2,@default_speed)
    line2 = add_line(0,0.35*@bmph,@bmpw,0.20*@bmph,@default_speed)
    for i in 1..15*(time_interval+1)
      slide1.update if i%(time_interval+1)==0
      slide2.update if i%(time_interval+1)==0
    collapse if collapsing
  # ??glass_breaking(sound,speed) by Rataime
  #    Set sound to true to have the glass breaking sound (needs a non-rtp SE)
  #    Set speed to 1 or 2 (>2 is too fast)
  def glass_breaking(sound=false,speed=2)
    for i in 1..2
      for to_break in <a href=mailto:0..@map.pieces.size-1>0..@map.pieces.size-1</a>
        if @map.pieces[to_break].x<@bmpx+@bmpw/2
# ??Here are the pieces manipulation functions
#    Usually called after having cut the sprite

  def collapse
  def fadeout
  def explose
    for to_explose in <a href=mailto:0..@map.pieces.size-1>0..@map.pieces.size-1</a>
      #This is a hack, wasn't working so I "forced" things to work...
      #I will have to fix that one day !
      explosion[to_explose]=DE_Explosion.new([(end_x - start_x).to_f,-(end_y - start_y).to_f,0],to_explose)
    for i in 1..51
      for to_explose in <a href=mailto:0..@map.pieces.size-1>0..@map.pieces.size-1</a>

  def refresh_centre

  def glass_falling(speed=2)
    for i in 1..90
      for to_break in <a href=mailto:0..@map.pieces.size-1>0..@map.pieces.size-1</a>
        if @map.pieces[to_break].y<@bmpy+@bmph+2
          @map.pieces[to_break].y+=1*speed if 2*(@map.pieces.size-to_break)<i

class DE_Slide

  def initialize(line,num)
    if @y<0
  def update
      if @dy>=1
      for i in <a href=mailto:0..@num-1>0..@num-1</a>
        @map.pieces[i].y+=1 if @correcty
  class DE_Explosion

  def initialize(line,num)
    @sign=-1 if @y<0
  def update
      if @dy>=1
      @map.pieces[@num].y+=1*@sign if @correcty
# ??DE
# An unloaded DE

class DE

  def init
  def Init

# ??Destruction_Engine
# The actual DE. Contains every functions you need to use the DE

class Destruction_Engine
attr_accessor :slot
attr_accessor :map
attr_accessor :target
attr_accessor :hide_line

# ??General functions

def initialize
  @color=Color.new(255, 255, 255)

def init(n = nil)
  if n==nil
    p "Initialisation already done. Don't forget to $DE.clear"

def Init(n = nil)

def clear
  for i in @map.pieces
  $DE = DE.new

def Clear

def update
  if @map!=nil
    for i in @map.pieces

def abovezero(num)
  if num>0
    return num
    return 0

def wait(seconds) # Dubealex's delay function
  for i in 0...(seconds * 10)
    sleep 0.1

# ??Target functions

def target_event(id = nil)
  if id!=nil and $game_map.events[id].is_a?(Game_Event) and @target==nil
    @target = $game_map.events[id]
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@target.character_name,@target.character_hue)
      @z_line=@target.screen_z(bitmap.height / 4)+5

def Target_event(id = nil)

def tiifom
  case $game_player.direction
  when 2
  when 4
  when 6
  when 8
  check=$game_map.check_event(check_x, check_y)
  if check.type==Fixnum and @target==nil
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@target.character_name,@target.character_hue)
      @z_line=@target.screen_z(bitmap.height / 4)+5

def target_is_in_front_of_me

# ??Line functions

def hide_lines

def show_lines

def erase_lines

def change_line_width(pixels)
  if (pixels>10 or pixels<1)
    p "DE error : Width argument out of range !"

def change_line_color(r,g,b)
  @color=Color.new(r, g, b)

def change_line_speed(speed)
  if (speed>10 or speed<1)
    p "DE error : Speed argument out of range !"

def draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed=@default_speed)
  @map.draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed,@width,@color)

# ??The core function. Draw lines & separate sprites into smaller sprites
#    Reading this can be bad for your health.

def addline(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed=@default_speed)
  add_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed)

def add_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed=@default_speed)
  if (speed>10 or speed<1) or (start_x==end_x and start_y==end_y)
    p "DE error : Speed argument out of range, or the line is a point !"
  if @target!=nil
    @linebmp.draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed,@width,@color)
    a = (end_x - start_x).to_f
    b = -(end_y - start_y).to_f
    c = (-a * start_y - b * start_x).to_f
    sx = @target.pattern * @bmpw
    sy = (@target.direction - 2) / 2 * @bmph
    for i in <a href=mailto:0..@map.pieces.size-1>0..@map.pieces.size-1</a>
    if true
    if start_x==end_x
      if s_rect.x<start_x+sx and start_x+sx<s_rect.x+s_rect.width
        @map.pieces[i].bitmap.fill_rect(sx+start_x, sy, @bmpw-start_x, s_rect.height, @color_b )
        @map.pieces.last.bitmap.fill_rect(sx,sy, start_x, s_rect.height, @color_b )
      if start_y==end_y
        if s_rect.y<start_y+sy and start_y+sy<s_rect.y+s_rect.height
          @map.pieces[i].bitmap.fill_rect(sx, sy+start_y, s_rect.width, @bmph-start_y, @color_b )
          @map.pieces.last.bitmap.fill_rect(sx, sy, s_rect.width, start_y, @color_b )
          @map.pieces[i].src_rect.set(s_rect.x,s_rect.y,s_rect.width, abovezero(start_y+sy-s_rect.y))
        if b/a<0
          dist1=(a*(s_rect.y+s_rect.height-sy)+ b*(s_rect.x-sx) + c)/((a**2+b**2)**0.5)
          dist2=(a*(s_rect.y-sy)+ b*(s_rect.x+s_rect.width-sx) + c)/((a**2+b**2)**0.5)
          #p (b/a,-c/a,dist1,dist2,square,1)
          if dist1.abs<square and dist2.abs<square and dist1*dist2<0
            #p "slope neg"
            if -b/a*(s_rect.x-sx)-c/a<(s_rect.y-sy)
              if -b/a*(s_rect.x-sx+s_rect.width)-c/a<(s_rect.y-sy+s_rect.height)
                #p "above, above"
                #p "above, under"
              if -b/a*(s_rect.x-sx+s_rect.width)-c/a>(s_rect.y-sy+s_rect.height)
                #p "under, under"
                #p "under, above"
          dist1=(a*(s_rect.y-sy)+ b*(s_rect.x-sx) + c)/(a**2+b**2)**0.5
          dist2=(a*(s_rect.y+s_rect.height-sy)+ b*(s_rect.x+s_rect.width-sx) + c)/(a**2+b**2)**0.5
          #p (-b/a,-c/a,dist1,dist2,square,2)
          if dist1.abs<square and dist2.abs<square and dist1*dist2<0
            #p "slope pos"
            if -b/a*(s_rect.x-sx)-c/a<(s_rect.y-sy+s_rect.height)
              if -b/a*(s_rect.x-sx+s_rect.width)-c/a<(s_rect.y-sy)
                #p "above, above"
                #p "above, under"
              if -b/a*(s_rect.x-sx+s_rect.width)-c/a>(s_rect.y-sy)
                #p "under, under"
                #p "under, above"
    @map.pieces=@map.pieces.sort{|d,e| d.src_rect.y <=> e.src_rect.y}
    return [a,b,c]
    p "DE error : No target selected"


def testing_sort#DO NOT USE IT
  p @map.pieces.size
    for i in <a href=mailto:0..@map.pieces.size-1>0..@map.pieces.size-1</a>
      #p (1,@map.pieces[1].x)
      #p (3,@map.pieces[3].x) if @map.pieces[3]!=nil


# ??DE_Map
# Manage pieces creation, cloning and modification

class DE_Map
  attr_accessor :pieces
  def initialize(target)
  def cloning(to_dup)
  def refresh_centre
    for to_centre in pieces
      to_centre.ox = to_centre.src_rect.width / 2
      to_centre.oy = to_centre.src_rect.height
  def collapse
    for to_collapse in pieces
      to_collapse.collapse if to_collapse.opacity!=0
    for i in 1..48
      for to_collapse in pieces
  def fadeout
    for to_fadeout in pieces
      to_fadeout.escape if to_fadeout.opacity!=0
    for i in 1..48
      for to_fadeout in pieces

# ??Draw a triangle which erase either what is inside or outside
  def triangle(bmp = nil, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, x3 = 0, y3 = 0, invert = false)
  if x1==x2 and y1==y2
    # Fix an error : 2 points of the triangle are equal
    triangle(bmp, x1, y1+1, x2, y2, x3, y3,invert)
    return true
  if x2==x3 and y2==y3
    # Fix an error : 2 points of the triangle are equal
    triangle(bmp, x1, y1, x2, y2+1, x3, y3,invert)
    return true
  if x1==x3 and y1==y3
    # Fix an error : 2 points of the triangle are equal
    triangle(bmp, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3+1,invert)
    return true
  if Math.atan2( y1 - y2, x1-x2) - Math.atan2( y3 - y2, x3-x2) >0
    # Fix an error : The triangle doesn't appear due to its convexity...
    triangle(bmp, x1, y1, x3, y3, x2, y2,invert)
    return true
  color = bmp.bitmap.get_pixel(0, 0)
    # ● Here's the rasterization algorithm (whatever this is ^^, but this one wasn't easy to find and adapt !)
    # Deltas

    dx12 = x1 - x2
    dx23 = x2 - x3
    dx31 = x3 - x1

    dy12 = y1 - y2
    dy23 = y2 - y3
    dy31 = y3 - y1
    # Bounding Rectangle
    min_x = [x1,x2,x3].min
    max_x = [x1,x2,x3].max
    min_y = [y1,y2,y3].min
    max_y = [y1,y2,y3].max
    # Half-edge constants
    c1 = dy12 * x1 - dx12 * y1
    c2 = dy23 * x2 - dx23 * y2
    c3 = dy31 * x3 - dx31 * y3
    # Let's Calculate !

    cy1 = c1 + dx12 * min_y - dy12 * min_x
    cy2 = c2 + dx23 * min_y - dy23 * min_x
    cy3 = c3 + dx31 * min_y - dy31 * min_x

  for y_coord in min_y..max_y-1
    for x_coord in min_x..max_x-1
      if (cx1 > 0 and cx3 > 0 and cx2 > 0)!=invert
        bmp.bitmap.set_pixel(x_coord, y_coord ,color)
      cx1 -= dy12
      cx2 -= dy23
      cx3 -= dy31
    cy1 += dx12
    cy2 += dx23
    cy3 += dx31

# ■ DE_Piece
# This is the piece cut from the original sprite

class DE_Piece < RPG::Sprite
  def initialize(viewport, character = nil,first=false)
    @character = character
    if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or
       @character_name != @character.character_name or
       @character_hue != @character.character_hue
      @tile_id = @character.tile_id
      @character_name = @character.character_name
      @character_hue = @character.character_hue
      if @tile_id >= 384
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name,
          @tile_id, @character.character_hue)
        self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)
        self.ox = 16
        self.oy = 32
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name,@character.character_hue) if !first
        self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name,@character.character_hue).clone if first
        @character.go_through if first
        @cw = bitmap.width / 4
        @ch = bitmap.height / 4
        self.ox = @cw / 2
        self.oy = @ch
      sx = @character.pattern * @cw
      sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch
      self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
    self.x = @character.screen_x
    self.y = @character.screen_y
    self.z = @character.screen_z(bitmap.height/4)
    self.opacity = @character.opacity
    self.blend_type = @character.blend_type
    self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth
  def update
    self.z = @character.screen_z(bitmap.height/4)

# ■ Linebmp
# Adds the ability to draw lines. Original by XRSX, adapted heavily to fit the DE

class Linebmp
  attr_accessor :bmp
  def initialize(x=0,y=0,z=0,w=32,h=48)
    @bmp = Sprite.new($DE_viewport)
    @bmp.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@w,@h)
  def erase
    @bmp.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@w,@h)
  def draw_line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y,speed,width,color=Color.new(255, 255, 255))
  distance = (start_x - end_x).abs + (start_y - end_y).abs
      for i in 1..distance
        x = (start_x + 1.0 * (end_x - start_x) * i / distance).to_i
        y = (start_y + 1.0 * (end_y - start_y) * i / distance).to_i
        if !$DE.hide_line
        if width == 1
          @bmp.bitmap.set_pixel(x, y, color)
          @bmp.bitmap.fill_rect(x, y, width, width, color)
        if count>=speed
          sleep 0.01

# ▼ CLASS Sprite_Character edit

class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
  alias de_initialize initialize
  def initialize(viewport, character)
    if character.is_a?(Game_Player)
    de_initialize(viewport, character)

# ▼ CLASS Game_Character edit

class Game_Character
  alias de_Game_Character_initialize initialize

  def initialize
  alias de_Game_Character_update update
  def go_through
  def reappear
  def dont_go_through

# ▼ CLASS Spriteset_Map edit

class Spriteset_Map
alias de_spriteset_update update
alias de_spriteset_initialize initialize

  def initialize
    $DE = DE.new
    $DE_spriteset = self

  def update
   $DE.update if $DE.is_a?(Destruction_Engine)

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